Trout in the Classroom 2025
Kiap-TU-Wish is excited to support five Trout-in-the-Classroom programs this year: Malone Elementary and Intermediate School in Prescott, Ellsworth Elementary, St.Francis School in Ellsworth, Rocky Branch and Greenwood Elementary Schools in River Falls.
We are looking for chapter volunteers to help Dr. Dean Hansen with Bugs-in-the-Classroom demonstrations in the schools. This is a 1-4 hour commitment that will likely occur the week of April 21st. Some familiarity with aquatic macroinvertebrates is helpful, but if you’d like to just be a Big Kid learning with the 4th and 5th graders, don’t hesitate to volunteer for this fabulous hands-on experience.
In May, we will need volunteers to assist with in-stream macroinvertebrate collection and fly casting instruction when the kids release their trout on the Willow and Trimbelle Rivers.
To volunteer or learn more about Trout-in-the-Classroom contact board member Rainbow Barry at