May The Forth Be With You Chapter Meeting – May 4th, 6 PM, River River Brewing

Come join us for the our last chapter meeting before our summer break.  It will be at Rush River Brewing ( 990 Antler Ct, River Falls, WI 54022).  The meeting will start at 6 pm, with pizza provided by the chapter (donations accepted).  At 7 pm, we will present chapter awards.  There will be plenty of time for catching up with friends and telling fish tales.  Bring your favorite fly rod to show off, there is plenty of room for casting.  50th Anniversary hats and patches will be available for sale.  Star Wars costumes are optional……

I don’t want to jinx it, but the weather is looking good!  Hope to see you there!

More Volunteer Opportunities – now with time commitment  added.
Thanks so much to everyone that has volunteered for BIC, ECO Day, Earth Day, and RF Clinic.  We need you help to keep these great programs going!

A few of our Trout in the Classroom programs want help for their trout release field trip at Willow RIver State Park.  We help Dean Hansen with in-stream bug collection and identification.  We also give fly rod casting lessons to the kids (chapter rods will be used).  We meet at the park and you do not need to pay for park entry.  Bring your own fly rod and fish in the park after we are done!  We have the following dates and times:

Amery Intermediate School:  May 12th, 10:30 – 12:30.
Malone Elementary (Prescott):  May 18th, 9:15 – 11:30.
Greenwood Elementary (River Falls):  May 27th, 9:30 – 11:30.

I’ve still only heard from a couple people and we would like to have 4 per session.  If you can make it, please email me (Greg Olson) at

Trout in the Classroom News:

The Wild Rivers Conservancy St. Croix Youth Summit was April 21st.  Steve Papp, his Greenwood Elementary students, and I gave a presentation on Trout in the Classroom.

Check it out here:

Here is a photo of students of Joe Young’s Rocky Branch Elementary, teaching the younger students about TIC.

Again, thanks so much for helping with these programs, they can’t continue without you!

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