Kinni Workday This Saturday March 26thThe snow might all be gone but, the rain we are receiving this week will keep things wet enough to keep cutting and burning buckthorn and box elder slash. The worksite is at the DNR parking lot on Hwy 65 between Quarry and Liberty Roads. Randy will be there starting at 7:30 on Saturday morning and plans to work till noon or shortly after. Come for an hour or two or spend the entire shift there. We need chainsaw operators who have completed the safety training and a bunch of regulars to drag, stack and burn the slash. Randy will have some portable pumps on hand to control any fires that threaten to get out of control. Hot dogs and cookies will be served up at the end of the shift. Please email Randy at if you plan to attend the workday. Randy reports there was a hatch of stoneflies and BWO’s starting towards the end of the shift last Saturday. Bring your fishing gear along and wet a line afterwards if you choose. This could prove to be the final ‘brushing’ workday of the season but, don’t bet on it.