The photo on the right, taken by chapter member David Gregg, features Randy Arnold, the Kiap-TUWish Volunteer Coordinator. Many of you know Randy and his superhuman efforts on our stream restoration projects. You also know Randy’s unrelenting battle against invasive buckthorn. Well, here he is on the Kinnickinnic River this year, facing, as David put it, the mother of all buckthorn. We’ve seen a lot of photos of Randy and the Kiap-TU-Wish volunteer work crew over the years, but this photo has the touch of the epic—our own Beowulf, diving to the depths to battle Grendel’s mother. Thank you to David for sending the photo, and thank you to the many volunteers who spend their Saturdays doing prep work for subsequent maintenance and restoration projects. Your commitment is the stuff of legends.


If you want to join the crew, send Randy your name and email address. He’ll add you to his notification list for upcoming workdays on stream restoration projects.

Below: A collective effort on the upper Kinni on February 15. Thank you volunteers! From left to right: Pete Kilibarda, Randy Arnold, Sydney Arnold, Keith Stein, Pat Sexton, Loren Carver, Phil Plumbo, Dave Kozlovsky, Ed Constantini and way in the background, John Skelton.

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