Open Tying at the Shop

Open Tying at the Shop 

By Jonathan Jacobs 

In my forty-plus years as a fly angler, I have frequented three different fly shops in eight distinct locations in seven different buildings under the ownership of five different people. In that time, I’ve gone from neophyte to experienced angler to geezer. I tell you this to establish my bona fides as a “shop rat” (The term doesn’t mean “employee;” a less sentimental term might be “hanger on”). Every one of those shops helped me immeasurably along the way. My first shop was Tom Helgeson’s Bright Waters. There I took casting lessons, an aquatic entomology class and an on-the-stream flyfishing for trout class. Tom brought in guest speakers who exposed me to facets of the sport previously unknown to me. I spent so much time at Bob Mitchell’s Fly Shop that I was more of a fixture than a regular. I learned a great deal there, too, but more importantly, I treasure to this day close the friendships with wildly disparate personality types that blossomed there. 

My current home away from home is Lund’s Fly Shop. Housed in a soulful multi-story brick building dating back to 1881 on Main Street in River Falls, WI, this emporium nails the image of what a fly shop ought to look like. Mounts of tarpon, billfish and an incongruous elk gracing the high interior walls stand watch over an extensive array of waders, clothing, tackle, fly tying materials, accessories, and fly bins, with all of that seeming to float over the vintage hardwood floor.  Staffed by friendly and knowledgeable folks, it’s a place that warms the soul. 

One of the prominent features of the building is the mezzanine that overlooks the shop. There is angling art displayed on the walls. There are a few long tables up there that are ideal for group fly tying sessions. The shop hosts two of these sessions per month, one on a Saturday and another on a Tuesday. You can find the shop’s specific schedule at its website,  I’ve attended two sessions thus far and have had a wonderful time at both.  At the first one, someone asked as soon as I’d sat down if I needed anything to drink.  I said, “No, thanks, I’m good.”  The response to that was, “Ice or neat?”  Sensing that further resistance was futile, I replied, “Uh, ice.”  A glass with ice and Irish whiskey appeared in front of me. I’m not saying this is a regular occurrence, but it looks like there’s a zeitgeist that suggests that you’re welcome to bring food and beverages to share. There’s some slight remnant boys’ club attitude, but it’s a welcoming place. I’ve seen a fellow who just stopped by to chat stay to help a boy of about ten who’d come with his non-tying father. The fellow stayed long enough to get the youngster through a couple of basic patterns that employed the basics of tying.   Another man helped a young woman wearing a Green Bay Packers stocking cap master the use of a whip finishing tool. I saw my friend Sarah, an accomplished tyer, tie her first two pike/muskie Bufords. A fellow two generations younger than me reached out to me to show me the elegant soft hackles he was tying. Even among all the experienced tyers, there’s something for everyone to learn. We often come to think of ourselves as trout fly tyers or warmwater tyers or whatever, but the thing is, there’s a whole spectrum of flies that cross borders or involve techniques that can be applied anywhere. In one night, I’ve seen tied, among other things: Steelhead intruder flies, billfish flies, jig streamers, soft hackles, midges, and a CK baitfish, which, with its die-cut synthetic tail and flashy trimmed body would have been heresy just a few years ago. 

Given the combination of camaraderie, bonhomie, the learning opportunities, you can’t go wrong. Of course, Lund’s is not the only fly shop in the area and you might be a regular at one of them or are looking for a reason to become one. Those shops likely have open tying sessions, too, ones that might provide you with as much fun as I’m having at Lund’s.  Be sure to look them up. Having a fly shop to call your home is an essential part of not being merely an informed angler, but a happy one.  

Editor’s Note: Open tying sessions are also available at Mendprovisions Fly Shop located in Saint Paul , Minnesota (mend provisions.comand the Cabela’s store in Rogers (Link). 
Photo provided by Brian Smolinski

KRLT Nature Night

Kinnickinnic River Land Trust: Nature Night

On October 5th the community came together on the banks of the Kinnickinnic River at Green Pastures Family Farm in River Falls, WI for a new annual event hosted by the Kinnickinnic River Land Trust called Nature Night. The day was off to a windy start but turned into a beautiful fall evening just in time for the event. Nature Night celebrated the conservation efforts of the Kinnickinnic River Land Trust, partners, and community members within the Kinni watershed and shed light as to why protecting this natural resource is so important.

The Stump Grinders opened the event with their foot-stomping old-time music that filled the air with sounds of joy. The event included many activities such as a nature art tent facilitated by KRLT’s Social Media Coordinator, Jane Taylor. Children and adults alike enjoyed painting mini pumpkins donated by the local Leisen Family Farm, creating nature bracelets while learning about the native prairie grasses, and putting together a backyard pinecone birdfeeder for our feathered friends to enjoy. One of the highlights for many was the river ecology station. This provided the opportunity for folks to get up close and interact with the star of the show the Kinni River. Thanks to the help from KRLT, the Kiap-TU-Wish Chapter of TU, and community volunteers, attendees were able to identify aquatic insects, feel the cold waters of the Kinni, and understand the importance of protecting such an incredible ecosystem. It was a joy to see the expression on children’s faces when they realized the underbelly of the rocks pulled from the river were full of life and squirming insects. In addition, Bob Nasby and his grandson provided the opportunity to learn about the skill of casting and fly fishing.
Also at the event were the St. Croix Valley Birding Club, WE Co-op, Kinni CC, The Prairie Enthusiasts, Farmer-Led Watershed Council, and The Humble Horse. Each had an opportunity to share their story and bring light to the importance of their role in the conservation story of the Kinni. As the sun slowly started to set, local favorite Chris Silver took the stage as eventgoers enjoyed the views of the Kinni.

Nature Night was a huge success, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible support from our sponsors, volunteers, members, staff, and the entire community. From laughter and games to music, art, and science, the evening was filled with joy and purpose.

Molly Barritt-Luebke
Donor and Community Relations Manager
Kinnickinnic River Land Trust

Skip’s Loose Threads

Skip’s Loose Threads
By Skip James

My favorite trout fishing partner for many years was Merrimon Hipps, known to all as Mike. Like me, he was a professional musician, a trumpet player in the Minnesota Orchestra. We traveled out West many times together, and took our share of fish from local waters. Now retired, he lives with his wife in Eden Prairie.

One evening, after dinner in Preston, MN and a fine day fishing the South Branch of the Root River, we were heading home in the car, windows open, listening to the Twins game on the radio. The reception wasn’t particularly good, and Mike tuned to Minnesota Public Radio instead. In those days, the mid 80’s, there was only one station, not three as there are today. A familiar piece of music was playing, Franz Schubert’s “Trout Quintet.” Based upon a song that Schubert wrote a year before, it tells the story of a trout caught by a fisherman. The music is full of slippery chromatic phrases in the piano accompaniment. Atypically, the quintet is set for piano, violin, viola, cello, and double bass. The composer wrote it in 1819 when he was twenty-two, but it wasn’t published until after his death. The radio performance that evening was excellent, and our conversation ceased as we listened.

After the final movement, we discussed the possibility that those of us who enjoyed sophisticated classical music might also enjoy the art of fly fishing, and that fly fishers might find that a refined taste in music might develop in those who knew how to handle a flyrod.

The Phipps Center for the Arts was still in its old building, but just out the door and across the street was the Hudson park and bandshell. I asked four string players from the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra to join me in performing the “Trout Quintet” on the main stage, and Mike got volunteers from both Kiap-TU-Wish and Twin Cities Chapters of TU to tie flies in the lobby and give casting lessons on the lawn afterwards. 

We set up our concert and demonstrations on a sunny Sunday afternoon in June, 1985. At 1pm, we played the quintet, and at 4pm there were still people fly casting on the lawn and watching talented fly tiers work.  Neither one of us took attendance and the concert was free. Perhaps a few of you who read this might remember the event.

Skip’s Loose Threads

A Minimal Arsenal of Flies for Fooling Fish in Local Waters All Season Long.
By Skip James

I know fishermen who carry every fly they own in their vests, and others who carry only those that imitate the prevailing hatch. There are flies that work well, casting to fish you can see, probably feeding close to or in the surface, and others that you use when you are searching for promising water. Here are the six I wouldn’t ever be without, whether here in Wisconsin or on a big western river. I provided enough material info so you can tie them yourself, and, if you have questions, call me. 715-690-4503 Tight lines!

This is my number one ‘nymph’, for fishing in streamy water, near undercut banks, in deep holes. Back in 1971, I was catching trout in a pool on the Kinni that now is under the Hwy 35 Byway, and another angler, coming downstream, who identified himself as Andy Miner, asked to see my fly. When he looked at it, he said: “What a ‘mother’ that one is” and the name, though pejorative, stuck. This is the same Andy Miner who bred Blue Andalusian roosters for their neck hackles and was the original supplier to Buck Metz in Pennsylvania. I tied flies for Andy, in exchange for necks, for several years.

Weighted “Mother” #8-10 

Thread: Gray, 6/0

Hook: standard dry fly, down eye

Weight: lead-free wire on the front half of the hook, under the dubbing Dubbing: Dubbing: Muskrat, complete with guard hairs, well picked out

Rib: Gold flat tinsel

Hackle: Grey Grouse soft hackle

This Caddis imitation is my number two ‘nymph’, for riffes particularly.

Caddis Pupa #12-16

Thread: Dark green, 8/0

Hook: Curved, pupa down eye

Bead: Copper

Dubbing: Medium green SLF or other similar, well picked out
Rib: Medium copper wire

These two I use as dry flies, fished to risers, sometimes dead drift, sometimes ‘on the swing.’ I owe a debt of thanks to the author of “Designing Trout Flies”, Gary Borger, for his concept of a ‘wet-dry’ fly. Early season, use the green one. When Sulphurs appear, use the yellow one.

Little Green Thing: #16-18

Thread: Light green, 8/0

Hook: standard dry fly, down eye Dubbing: Medium olive SLF

Hackle: Light grey Grouse soft hackle, sparse, same length as hook shank

Little Yellow Thing: #16-18
Thread: Yellow, 8/0

Hook: standard dry fly, down eye Dubbing: Medium yellow SLF

Hackle: Light grey Grouse soft hackle, sparse, same length as hook shank

On our local waters, you need a great Trico imitation, since that hatch occupies so much of the season. The advantage of this one is that you can see it from forty feet away in riffes, where the trout are rising. The Badger hackle’s black center gives the impression of a solid thorax, although with no additional bulk or weight. The gold edges show up very well in morning light.

Skip’s Trico #22

Thread: Black, 8/0, wrapped over the entire shank
Hook: standard dry fly, down eye

Dubbing: none

Tails: 3 strands clear Microfibetts, spread wide.

Hackle: #22 Badger (black center, cream edge) wrapped from middle of the hook to the eye, and clipped flat on the bottom. Whiting Farms sized hackle packs is a good source.

Your favorite Grasshopper pattern, #10, long shank.

My favorite, probably because it was invented by Bob Mitchell, is the “Jolly Green Giant.” But if you have confidence in a different hopper pattern, use it.

Skip’s Loose Threads “Take Me to Your Leader”

Skip’s Loose Threads “Take Me to Your Leader” 

Tie your own leaders, to your personal specifications, and save money to boot! Here’s my system. A typical 9’ tapered leader costs around $4.00-$6.00 and usually the cost is the same regardless of tippet size, 0X-7X. Most commercial leaders are clear with a perfection loop tied onto the butt end with a typical butt section diameter being around .020 inches .

I have made my own leaders for years using the most basic monofilament, Berkley Trilene XL. I purchase four inch spools of clear mono in several sizes and have a special spool box made by Plano called a ‘Line Spool Box’ that I store them in.

The little black objects are grommets through which you can thread the leader material, and with the box closed, you can measure out any amount of material you want for your leader. The box is currently available for about $14-$17. 

I personally don’t think that a trout, even one with glasses, can tell the difference between a 5X and 6X tippet, so I carry only two spools, in 2lb and 4lb Trilene XL, in my chest vest. The 4lb is a fat 4X, and the 2lb is a slender 5X. The latter works great with a size 22 Trico or small nymph, and the 4 pound delivers a streamer or a grasshopper with precision and authority. The four inch spools in my box are: 25lb, 17lb, 12lb, 10lb, 8lb, and 4lb. I also have a spool of 30 pound test that I nail knot to my six and eight weight bass fly lines. The 25lb is just fine for three to five weight lines. There are lots of leader formulas out there, even a few books. Experiment and find out what works best with your equipment. If you’re afraid you might fumble a blood knot, tying one leader will provide you with six to eight chances to practice. And, there are many videos on YouTube to remind you how. Generally speaking, you’ll want about a third of your leader to be the butt section, another third to be the tapered portion, and the rest tippet. I love long tippets. Fill that box with four inch Trilene XL spools, and the cost, with the box, is less than $50, and you can make more leaders than you can ever use in a lifetime. 

Skip’s Loose Threads – Jan ’24

Image from BackPacker Magazine

New Year’s Resolutions 

Layton “Skip” James

Anglers, how many of us have promised ourselves to simplify and refine our trout fishing gear?… when, according to the carol, “earth stood hard as iron,” and fishing was a dream of Spring? I know I have. Here are a few of my ‘kept’ resolutions.

 I used to carry a lanyard with a ring on the end, with eight spools of tippet. I wondered at the ability to market this nylon at outrageous prices for ridiculously small amounts of material. But I replaced it only occasionally, and the stuff that always ran out first was 5X and 3X. Then I discovered that at Fleet Farm I could purchase Trilene XL in 2lb and 4lb test, on the same size spools as fancier tippet. The diameter of the 2lb is a little less than 5X, and that of the 4lb is a little fatter than 3X. That season, I fished with only two spools. And would you believe it? The fish didn’t seem to mind. 

At one time in my fishing life, I used to sew vests. The ladies would look at me strangely at fabric shops where I examined dirt-colored cloth of various weights and weaves. I sold my vests for $100, but I never made any serious money at it. I made one for Bob Mitchell, and my fishing partner, and one for myself, of course. I thought the arrangement of pockets was much smarter than the Orvis one I had used previously. But then, I saw this little vest pack with a central zip compartment for a standard fly box, two side pockets for smaller boxes, and room for two tippet spools, tools, a flashlight, strike indicator yarn, and some non-lead split shot. I bought it and have never used my vest again. In fact, I bought two, just so I’d have a spare if anything happened to the first one.

Another result of the Trilene experiment was an examination of leaders. I had been buying knotless leaders because some guide told me that knots in a leader would catch bits of salad in certain rivers, like the Big Horn, particularly if you had a powerful fish on who dove into the weeds. But upon thoughtful reflection, that meant that the weight of the green stuff would slide down your leader until it reached the very thinnest and most breakable part, causing you to lose fish. On the other hand, if a hand-tied leader had knots at regular intervals, the gunk would not slide to the tippet, but be held away from it. I began making my own leaders, tying them with blood knots according to various formulas espoused by respected authors. I used large spools of Trilene XL, which was very cheap, and very handy. I haven’t bought a tapered leader in years. 

These are just three New Year’s resolutions that have worked out for me. When fishing is impossible, think about ways to improve your own technique and equipment. Spring will come, eventually. 

Tight lines,

Skip James