R4F – River Falls Flyfishing Festival
University Center Riverview Ballroom – UWRF Campus
More details here: 2019 R4F Sponsorships
The next book club gathering will be held on Monday, March 25th at Winzer Stube, in Hudson, Wisconsin. The group will be discussing Little Rivers by Margot Page. You don’t have to be an angler, fly tyer, casting phenom or trout nerd to join the gathering. You just need an interest in reading and chatting with others who like to read too. If you know of any women who might be interested in attending, please contact Jennifer Medley at jennifer@turningleafstudio.com.
Annual Fly Tying Night
Dinner at 6:00 (your dime)
Please join us on May 1 for a Kiap-on-Tap chapter social at 6:00-8:30 PM at Rush River Brewing in River Falls. Volunteers have been planning away and it’s bound to be a great night to gather, catch-up with old friends, make new friends and enjoy the final chapter meeting of 2018-2019. Then it’s time for spring and summer and making new memories to share at the next chapter meeting in September. Please join us!
Join us streamside for our next book club meeting on May 23. We will be meeting at a residence near River Falls and carpooling to a location on the Trimbelle River to meet, eat, and discuss our next book, Killers of the Flower Moon.
Randy Arnold, Kiap’s habitat volunteer coordinator, will be hosting a trout movie night. Come check it out.
Dinner at 6pm (your dime)
Meeting (Movie) starts at 7pm