3 x 100 Chance Drawing Tickets

Here are 2 tips to get your tickets:

1.  Email gregolson@kiaptuwish.org to make sure tickets are available. Include how many tickets you want and your address to sent them to.
2.  Go to https://www.clover.com/pay-widgets/71682c97-e613-4aaa-85ba-9ad3e712cad2 to make payment.

Thanks so much for your support!!!

Cunningham Painting tickets remaining:  95      
Norling Rod tickets remaining:  89
Sage Rod tickets remaining:  90

DON’T DELAY!!!!!  EMAIL NOW!!!!!  See details below!

The 3 X 100 chance drawings will start today, with the winners drawn on February 23rd.

Cunningham Painting

The first item, a beautiful painting by our 2022 Silver Trout Award artist, Joshua Cunningham! 

It is called “Rush into Summer” it is 12” tall and 9” wide.  It was painted on location summer of 2023, just up river from where the 570th Ave bridge crosses the Rush.

Only 100 tickets will be sold at $20 a ticket.  You know you want (or is it “need”) this original painting of one your favorite rivers.  “Own” a piece of the Rush River in your home!  Get your ticket(s) NOW!!!

Norling Bamboo Rod

The second item is a beautiful Norling bamboo rod!  

The rod is a 5-wt, 7′ 6″ rod with two tips, agate guides, rod sock & brushed aluminum travel tube with cap by renowned rod makers Dave Norling Sr. and Dave Norling Jr.   

Only 100 tickets will be sold at $20 a ticket.  You know you want (or is it “need”) this heirloom quality rod!  What are you waiting for! Get your ticket(s) NOW!!!

Sage Foundation Rod

The third item is an incredible fishing tool, a new Sage Foundation 9′ 4 wt with case!

Equipped with a high-performance blank (Graphite IIIe), the FOUNDATION has a fast action providing excellent casting power and effortless control. It’s the very foundation of what defines a Sage rod – Performance – taking your game to another level.  Armed with this rod, the trout don’t stand a chance!  More info on the Sage website:  https://farbank.com/collections/sage-foundation-freshwater.  Donated by Sage, Cabelas Rodgers, and KIAP-TU-WISH.

Only 100 tickets will be sold at $10 a ticket.  You know you want (or is it “need”) this high performance rod!  What are you waiting for! Get your ticket(s) NOW!!!

Annual Holiday Banquet

It is that time again!!!  The most wonderful time of the year (well, outside of trout fishing season)!!!
Please join us December 3rd at Juniors Restaurant and Tap House in downtown River Falls!!! 

Here’s the low down!

KIAP-TU-WISH Holiday Banquet
Dec.3rd at Juniors in downtown River Falls
Cost $35, Attendance capped at 125
Purchase tickets on-line via Eventbrite (see link below)


5:30 pm – 6:30 pm Happy Hour
Food beginning at 6:30 pm
Awards program at 7:30 pm
Event ends at 8:30 pm


Midwest Board (assorted meats, cheeses, and crackers)
Seasonal Fruit tray
Smoked Salmon tray
Chicken Wings
Cheeseburger Sliders
Shepherd’s Pie Tartlet 
Salad Bar
Mashed Potato Bar


Music by Chris Silver – 5:30-7:30 pm
Awards program – celebrate those that have made significant contributions to KIAP-TU-WISH
Presentation of check to KIAP-TU-Wish from Tattersall Distillery


Fly Swap
White Elephant Gift Exchange
Ugly Sweater Contest

You have been good all year (Santa told me)!  You deserve this!  Just click on the Eventbrite button below. The cost is $35 plus a $4.19 service fee!  

Looking forward to seeing you all there!  Seating is limited!  DEADLINE FOR SIGN-UP IS NOVEMBER 30
TH!  ACT NOW!!!!  Click on Eventbrite button below!!!

Open House and Gear Swap

We kick off the KIAP calendar year with an Open House and Gear Swap at Rush River Brewery in River Falls.  The event will start at 6 pm on Thursday, September 5th (note- the remainder of our chapter meeting will be the first Tuesday of the month at Juniors in River Falls).   

Please come out and meet up with your old friends and make some new ones, discussing how your summer went and how the big one got away.  Please invite spouses, significant others, friends, and anyone you think might be interested in joining Trout Unlimited.  

There will be something for everyone!  Farmers market, food truck, and music.  Plus we will be having a gear swap.  Bring in your used fishing equipment and drop it off with your name and price.  If your item sells, the money is yours to keep.  We will also be signing up new members at half off the usual price – only $17.50!

Hope to see everyone there!  

Chapter Meeting April 2024

April 2nd Chapter Meeting at Juniors

Our Guest Speakers

Kent Johnson, Kiap-TU-Wish Chapter, Trout Unlimited

Clarke Garry, Professor Emeritus, UW-River Falls

Presenting: Kinnickinnic River Macroinvertebrate Monitoring: Past, Present, and Future

What do we know about aquatic insect trends: nationally, regionally, and locally, including the Kinni? What do we need to learn, and what can we do?

Radisson Hotel in downtown River Falls, 414 S. Main St.

Trout anglers in the Upper Midwest have observed declines in insect hatches on their favorite streams. Is this just “Rosy Retrospection” bias, or is something more insidious at work? At this meeting, Clarke Garry and Kent Johnson will discuss the current state of knowledge regarding aquatic insect populations, threats to these populations, and some possible solutions. They will then tie this general overview to the multi-year (2022-2025) project they have been conducting to understand the past and present health of aquatic insect populations in the Kinnickinnic River. To help make this comparison of past to present, a survey will be distributed, to solicit Kiap-TU-Wish member observations of possible changes in Kinni insect communities during the past 20+ years.

Kent Johnson holds a B.A. Degree in Biology from St. Olaf College and a M.S. Degree in Aquatic Biology/Aquatic Toxicology from Michigan Technological University. He worked for 38 years as an Environmental Scientist and Manager, developing, implementing, and directing water quality monitoring programs for large rivers, streams, and lakes for the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services in St. Paul. He has been a KIAP member since 1988 and has been heading up our stream monitoring and storm water management since 1990. He has also worked with TUDARE on stream monitoring and was the WiseH2O project coordinator.

Dr. Clarke Garry is a Professor of Biology Emeritus, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, who retired after 30 years teaching General Biology, Zoology, and Entomology. He has a B.A. Zoology and a M.S. Entomology from the University of Missouri – Columbia and a Ph.D. Entomology, University of Wisconsin – Madison. Clarke came to appreciate the insects and crustaceans of the Kinnickinnic River beginning with group projects carried out by his students on the South Fork. In 2001 and 2002 he completed comprehensive macroinvertebrate surveys of the Kinni, documenting insect and crustacean populations inhabiting the mainstem. He contributed regularly to the entomology column of Midwest Fly Fishing magazine. His essays are available in book form: In the Kinnickinnic, Stories of a River and Its Insect Life.

Before the presentation, we will be holding board member elections.

We will also be having an in-person silent auction. Some of the items up for bid we did not sell during our on-line auction, and they now have a reduced starting bid. We also have new items that we received after the on-line auction. Items include an almost new package including a Lamson reel, Simms boots, and L.L. Bean waders. Also, a Winston fiberglass rod, rod/reel/line outfit, flies, vests, artwork, fly lines, and more!!!

You don’t want to miss this meeting!

Dinner menu and silent auction will be available at 6 pm, with the program starting at 7 pm. Silent auction will conclude 15 minutes after our speaker’s presentation. Hope to see you there! If you can’t make it in person, the ZOOM link Can be found in a separate post.

All reactions:

3Jonathan Jacobs, Brock Badger Flowers and 1 other

Tattersal Promotion and Driftless Synposium

Tattersall Promotion!  Driftless Area Stream Restoration Symposium!
Now through May 3rd, Tattersall is generously donating 4% of the proceeds from the sale of their Tightline Organic Vodka, to KIAP-TU-WISH!!!  Plus you can enter to win $2600 in fly fishing gear from St. Croix Rods, Orvis, Simms, Yeti, Hatch, Fullingmill, Scientific Anglers, and Riversmith!  No purchase necessary! 

Scan the QR code above or click on https://www.tattersalldistilling.com/tightline/#entertowin.  Former chapter president, Greg Dietl, who won the Tattersall gift box on our recent on-line auction, confirms that Tightline Vodka is top-shelf!
The online Driftless Symposium on March 11th and 12th is right around the corner!
The experience and research of this year’s presenters will enhance your own work, play and appreciation of the Driftless whether you are a resource professional, a scientist, an angler, or simply a person who loves the outdoors.

Please click the links below to register for the symposium. Registration is free.  The schedule of presenters and their topics can be found under the details tab.

DAY 1:  https://tu.myeventscenter.com/event/Driftless-Area-Stream-Restoration-Symposium-Day-1-88854?redir=1

DAY 2:  https://tu.myeventscenter.com/event/Driftless-Area-Stream-Restoration-Symposium-Day-2-88855?redir=1