The Chapter is again holding a STREAM Girls event on May 17th for girls in grades 6-8. This is a day of fun on the Rush River in Ellsworth, WI at the beautiful Ellsworth Rod & Gun Club grounds. Students will learn about cold water ecology, how to cast a fly rod and tie a fishing fly. In stream activities include scooping up & identifying macroinvertebrates, calculating the river’s velocity and more!

No fee required!
Registration limited to 18 participants

Registrants will receive a confirmation email with more details
Take home your handmade fishing fly and a keychain

Lunch & snacks along with all waders, fly tying materials and fly rods will be provided. The students end the day fly fishing with their own personal, experienced fly-fishing guide. No fly-fishing experience is necessary. Completion earns the students a STREAM Girls patch. Held rain or shine! For questions, contact Chapter Board member Michele Bevis at:

Click here to sign up!

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