Every year our Chapter gives away dozens of flies for various events. We include flies at our Fly Fishing for Trout clinic in the spring. We offer flies at the Great Waters Fly Fishing Expo. We give away flies at almost every membership meeting. Last year Bob (the Fly Wrangler) Trevis told us we were tapped out on flies so we organized the first TIE-A-THON with the goal of replenishing the Chapter’s fly library. We were successful beyond our wildest expectations as the assembled tiers churned out hundreds of wet flies, nymphs and dries. Plus, we ate well and had a load of fun.
How much fun you ask? Last year we had nine or ten tiers and seven of them have already signed up for this year’s events. And the dates for this year’s TIE-A-THON are Saturday, February 22 and Saturday, March 28. The meeting place is Lund’s Fly Shop in River Falls and the meeting time will be from 10:00am until sometime in the mid afternoon. Lunch and coffee will be provided. The emphasis in this first session is on nymphs, wet flies and damp emergers. Tiers should bring their tools, hooks and materials; you’re donating your results to the chapter. If by chance you’re short on something (a hook, beads, a tool) rest assured Brian probably has it. . .it is a fly shop, after all.
Interested? To register for the seats still available contact: troutchaser@msn.com — Mike Alwin